The field “Add arguments (optional)” contains an invalid file name. For example: -Gile instead of -File could lead to this error. The field “Add arguments (optional)” contains an invalid argument. In the end, the task will time out after 72 hours.

For example: xe instead of powershell.exe would lead the task to be hanging. The field “Program/script” contains an invalid executable name extension. The field “Program/script” contains an invalid directory The task is currently running. Here are some examples: The system cannot find the file specified (800070002) Program/script: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exeĪdd Arguments (optional): -File C:\Scripts\myScript\dailyreport.ps1Īny typo may result in a specific error. To run a Powershell script in Powershell, I basically fill in these fields with the following values: Execute exe in a schedule from Azure Devops. 7 Answers Sorted by: 122 Create the scheduled task and set the action to: Program/Script: Powershell.exe Arguments: -File 'C:\Users\MyUser\Documents\ThisisMyFile. Creating Scheduled Task using PowerShell. I have gone through the blog and found Runbook. I apparently had moved the script to another folder to reorganize some things. You can run PowerShell scripts on a schedule using this service. It appeared to be a path error to my ps1 script. In my Task Scheduler I had error 0xFFFD0000 as a last run result on one of my Powershell scripts: